What: We help organisations, teams, and individuals across sectors and disciplines understand tomorrow’s world.
How: Our unique trend management toolkit draws on design thinking to bring new ideas, concepts, and strategies to life.
Why: Our mission is to inspire everyone to engage in open dialogue about the future, focusing on people, planet, purpose, and performance. Why not join the conversation?


Ambrosetti Global Summit

Milan I March 09, 2020
Envisioning the Future 2040+: Talks and debate by global futurists and experts

The Economist – Third Youth Summit


Athens I March 11, 2020
Kjaer keynote & dialogue:
What are the new Trends shaping the future workplace

CALASTONE European Connect Forum

London I March 26, 2020
Keynote: Navigating in the Liquid Society: How do we create inclusive and sustainable economic growth?

UNITE 20 - The Future is Here

NYC I June 3-4, 2020
Keynote: The 4 Core Dimensions of the Future Workplace 2030+

LEAF - Limerick Electronic Arts Festival

Limerick I Sept 11, 2020
Intersection Business Conference: The Power of Curiosity and Why it Matters

TRT Roundtable 2020

Floating Cities: 
Real estate for a warming world? David Foster w/ Marc Collins, Kjaer, Isabel Wetzel, Paul Dobraszczyk

WIRED Lab 2062


The Jetsons 2062
Project by Justin Lin,
Top Futurists, and
Arconic Engineers



Think, Work & Play Like a Futurist






BBC, The Forum

“Challenging Assumptions”:
Freakonomics author Steven Levitt, futurist Anne Lise Kjaer and Oxford Martin School director Ian Goldin







“Anne Lise Kjaer is an outstanding futurist, visionary and speaker. If you’re looking for an energy boost of the future she is perfect for the job”

Martin Lindstrom, author Small Data; TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People

“Our success relies on adapting to the future faster than our competitors. Kjaer’s toolkit is an invaluable resource to think deeply about that future”

Sir Ian Cheshire, former group CEO, Kingfisher plc

“Using The Trend Management Toolkit, business leaders can apply a systemic approach to understanding how to visualize the future”

R "Ray" Wang, founder, Constellation Research Inc.; author of Disrupting Digital Business, Harvard Business Publishing

“Kjaer's book is a great practical guide to understanding trends and building a strategy to respond to them”

Mike Barry, director Plan A, Marks & Spencer

“Kjaer presents the business case for a balanced people, planet, purpose, and profit outlook – a sustainable business model that is close to my own heart”

Søren Hermansen, CEO, Samsø Energy Academy; TIME magazine’s Hero of the Environment

“Kjaer Global offers a new and multidimensional set of tools to navigate in the 21st century”

Lars Engman, former design director, IKEA

Ask us anything about the future, our courses or your project

Drop us a line anytime with your questions or request, and we will respond within 48 hours