The Trend Compass synthesises and links
trends in an easy-to-navigate overview

About the Trend Compass

The 4P Business Model is integral to our unique trend management methodology and forms the core of everything we do. The 8 Key Trends 2020 Shaping People, Cities & Businesses Trend Compass highlights the drivers impacting people, cities, and businesses, influencing how we will live, work, play, and do business in the future. All the trends are interconnected and presented as inspiring, visually engaging ‘Global Trend Snapshots’ (see below).

An easy-to-navigate overview

Understanding how trends are interlinked with people’s needs and behaviour is essential for creating innovative concepts and strategies. Whether you are in a leadership role, a planner, in R&D, or an individual, the Trend Compass is an easy-to-navigate toolkit synthesising and linking societal drivers and macro trends. Connecting the dots will inspire fresh thinking for your organisation, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

8 Global Trend Snapshots

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