Project: LIfestyle Trend Management
Who: Georg Jensen HQ (DK)
What: Luxury Goods
Time: 8 weeks

“A common long-term vision reducing development time and costs”
To create a Customised Visual Trend Tool identifying Macro Trends impacting the Luxury Goods Market: Home & Living, Jewellery, Watches and Eyewear.
A more rigorous trend and lifestyle focused approach to product development.
Our Work
* Support to Product Development & Launch team.
* Linking lifestyle trends to the Luxury Goods market.
* Colours, materials, shapes and technical details.
* Product application and line extension ideas.
* Relevant case studies to back up work.
* Mood & design ideas for Retail & Packaging.
* Workshop: Design, Retail, Marketing & Branding.
The outcome was a deeper understanding of how to apply short and long-term trends into the luxury goods segment. The work was used successfully on all organisational levels – especially design, retail and marketing teams benefited greatly. Strategic Trend Management input enabled the teams to work in synergy with a common long-term vision reducing development time and costs.